
Gravenstein apples are renowned for their exceptional sweet tart flavor that shines in both cooked and raw preparations

Buckeye Gala

The Buckeye Gala is a highly colored, almost solid red apple with a deep burgundy stripe.They are perfect for use in fruit, green and chopped salads. Add diced gala to fruit salsas and chutneys.

Our young apple trees are not quite ready for 2023!

We are closed this season.

We have six varieties of apples and are adding two additional varieties this winter to our farm. We look forward to soon providing a  U-pick option for our visitors.

Golden Delicious

he Golden Delicious apple is sweet, juicy, and crisp. The Golden Delicious is a great apple for eating out of hand and the texture is usually too soft and not suitable for baking or cooking,

Pink Lady

The hallmark of Pink Lady® is an attractive pink blush over a yellow undertone. The fruit often displays ribbing or a bumpy skin, but remains appealing to consumers even so. Medium to large-sized and oblong, the fruit has a crisp texture and dense, cream-colored flesh. The flavor is tart-sweet with an excellent sugar to acid balance

Granny Smith

Granny Smith remains one of the most popular apple varieties in the world. This very large, round green fruit is renown for its juicy, slightly tart flavor. Granny Smith apples are often used in baking because of their high acidity and ability to hold their shape when cooked.


This crisp, juicy, sweet apple has a luxurious flavor Honeycrisp apples have a yellow background covered with a red to pink blush and speckled with small lenticels. Honeycrisp apples maintain their sweet flavor even when cooked. Try baked into a crisp or pie